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Use Google Desktop For Searching your Computer.

Use Google Desktop For Searching your Computer. 

Google Desktop
Google Desktop

If you've ever needed to find a file and couldn't remember what you named it, belief me, we've all been there. Windows Search is okay, but occasionally you can't memorize the name of the file. What you memorize is the topic you wrote it on. And you can't even consider where you put it.

Google Desktop just might be the program for you. What it does is indexes all the files on your whole computer, then if you go to look for somewhat you put in words the same way you would if you were using Google for searching the internet, and it will draw up every file you have that has that in sequence in some manner on it. It's a much stronger program than Microsoft's search function because it in fact reads the substance in your written and numeric files.

Google Desktop screen shot
Google Desktop screen Shot
Something else it does is it will index all the contents of your email program, whether you're using Outlook or another type of email program. You might have to twist it a bit here and there for convinced programs, but you can get all of that information on the Google site if needed. This is also particularly valuable because, if you're like me and have many email accounts, sometimes you just can't remember which email went to which account, or all the details of that email. With Google Desktop, you can type in the person's name who sent you the email, or an email address, and any emails still within your email program will come up. Even deleted emails will give you a line or two of in sequence, as long as Desktop had a prospect to scan it before you deleted it.

Google Desktop
Google Desktop 
Google Desktop runs in the background, and the only grievance against it is that it slows down computer recital for those people who don't have sufficient memory to conquer it. However, it only indexes once you've left your computer idle for a period of time, which means that, through its initial indexing process, you'll want to leave your computer on for awhile, even during the night the first couple of nights, so that it has time to get to as many files as probable. After that, then your system will move faster, and indexing new files takes almost no time at all.

There are two versions of Google Desktop. The latest version is for Vista 64-bit users, which is great because Google had stated they didn't have plans to create Desktop for that higher mode. fortunately, since Windows 7 will also be using 64-bit technology, they finally came around and created this newer version.

Bring your search into the 21st century; Google Desktop is great.

For more information visit :   http://onetouchipod.blogspot.com/

You can download Google desktop free on there ...

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